Rock the Monkey: Joe Hudicka on Collaborative Design Conversations


Our Guest Joe Hudicka has three life goals: 1. To create businesses he loves to be in; 2. To invest most of his time in friends and family; 3. To promote strength-oriented learning.

Joe and his team help people think through their ideas of custom software solutions by using visual conversations and virtual scribing to accelerate the design process.

On his path as a serial entrepreneur, Joe has spent a lot of time in the world of data and IT management systems. He has had titles such as solutions architect, information architect, CEO, and, most recently, founder of OneLead, a company that improves CRM data collection through mobile devices.

OneLead is launching its brand new product, Quota Crusher, this week. Quota Crusher helps sales people optimize their territories and nurture leads with a personal touch.

Quota Crusher clients leverage the built in predictive analytics that allow even small to medium-sized companies see patterns of activity and anticipate customer behavior.

The entire Hudicka family is engaged in this world of application development and entrepreneurialism. At age 7, his son Joey designed and launched “Puckz”, an iPhone and iPad app which fuses together hockey and checkers, creating a new game.


00:00 | Introductions 03:15 | Joe's Projects (IA Team, Puckz, Quota Crusher) 15:23 | Personal Values: Daily Habit

18:07 | Working Virtually 21:04 | Being a Trusted Advisor

25:58 | Virtual Facilitation Changes the Game 31:30 | Open for Questions 32:55 | Collaborative Design Conversations

63:20 | Free Course: The Electric Scribe 64:00 | Final Words From Joe: What's Next


Peter Durand is an artist, educator & visual facilitator based in Houston, Texas.

He is the founder of Alphachimp LLC, a visual facilitation company that helps clients understand and communicate complex systems visually. He is a leader in graphic facilitation and a professor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.

Connected: Trends in UI, Interaction & Experience Design

Want to glimpse over the horizon at the interconnected world where the boundaries between "device" and "surface" and "service" completely fade away? Watch this short film with designers, researchers and futurists from frog design, Kicker Studio, Twitter, Method, Stamen Design, The School of Visual Arts, Doblin, Malmö University, Nokia, Arduino and Microsoft. Details at


Peter Durand is an artist, educator & visual facilitator based in Houston, Texas.

He is the founder of Alphachimp LLC, a visual facilitation company that helps clients understand and communicate complex systems visually. He is a leader in graphic facilitation and a professor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.

6th Davos Philanthropic Roundtable


Davos: 12-Year-Old Pakistani Prodigy Girl Talks About Her Online Learning

Khadijah Niazi of Lahore, Pakistan, is an inspirational example of how online education is revolutionizing learning. She was only 10 years old when she first took the Artificial Intelligence online course on Udacity. She managed to finish the course and, the following year, Khadijah completed Udacity’s Physics course with highest distinction, being the youngest ever girl to complete it.

Now, Khadijah is 12-years old, and earlier this month she sat next to Udacity founder Sebastian Thrun, Bill Gates of Microsoft, Larry Summers of Harvard, Thomas L. Friedman of The New York Times, and other panelists at the Victor Pinchuk Foundation’s 6th Philanthropic Roundtable, which took place at Davos in conjunction with the World Economic Forum. The discussion aims to show how MOOCs are finding their way to young prodigies around the world and how they are potentially changing the game in educational access.



Peter Durand is an artist, educator & visual facilitator based in Houston, Texas.

He is the founder of Alphachimp LLC, a visual facilitation company that helps clients understand and communicate complex systems visually. He is a leader in graphic facilitation and a professor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.

Rock the Monkey: Chuck Frey on Mindmapping Tools

Our guest Chuck Frey has extensive experience in public relations, marketing, business strategy, creativity and innovation, and is a keen student of the creative ways in which technology can help to increase the productivity, efficiency and success of businesses. He has been a life-long student of integrity-based principles of successful living.

Chuck is the founder and publisher of, the world’s largest, most extensive website focused on business innovation, creativity and brainstorming (now merged with

He is also the author of the Mind Mapping Software Blog and is widely regarded as one of the leading experts in the field of mind mapping and visual thinking.


0:00 | Introduction 2:30 | A Demonstration of Using Digital Mindmap Tools 14:15 | Collaborative Mindmapping as a Facilitation Tool 15:40 | Using Touch Screen Versions 19:00 | Virtual & Mobile Collaboration (”Co-Mapping”) 20:30 | Knowledge Management in Teams 24:50 | Working with Different Audiences (Linear vs. Global Thinkers) 27:30 | From the Lean Mentality to Innovation Engine 29:55 | Trends in Open Innovation 33:00 | Growth Field of Design Thinking 34:30 | The Messy Middle of the Design Process 36:30 | Using MindMaps with Technical Teams 40:40 | Personal Knowledge Management 46:20 | Getting Back to Basics


Peter Durand is an artist, educator & visual facilitator based in Houston, Texas.

He is the founder of Alphachimp LLC, a visual facilitation company that helps clients understand and communicate complex systems visually. He is a leader in graphic facilitation and a professor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.

Bloom's Taxonomy & Visual Knowledge Management (Part 3): Applying Knowledge in Teams


This third video in the series uses the cognitive "slice" of Bloom's Taxonomy to audit the digital and analog tools our organization uses to apply knowledge as a team.

Bloom's Taxonomy & Knowledge Management Tools (Part 2): Tools for Teams


I am obsessed with getting organized. But I can't seem to do it. Teams are focused on parsing up work, remembering who has to do what by when, but work still seems so fuzzy or chaotic. In this second video of a series, I continue breaking apart one of the most fundamental models of the education world, Bloom's Taxonomy, in an attempt to understand the personal and team-based tools for remembering the Who, What, Where, and When.


What are the top 3 digital and analog tools that you use with teams?

Add your wisdom to the comments below...

NEXT: Part 3 - Applying Knowledge in Teams

Bloom's Taxonomy & Knowledge Management Tools (Part 1)


I don't know about you, but I have a hard time remembering stuff. Thank goodness there are a billion-and-a-half books, apps, tools and methods for "helping" me. Here are my top 3 digital tools and top 3 physical tools for remembering stuff. In this first video of a series, I break apart one of the most fundamental models of the education world: Bloom's Taxonomy.

NEXT: Part 2 - Tools for Teams

Stop Stealing Dreams: Seth Godin on Education


"Are we asking our kids how to connect the dots...or collect the dots?"

[leadplayer_vid id="50CA86580CAAB"]

Author Seth Godin speaks at TEDxYouth@BFS at the awesome Brooklyn Free School!

We need to ask the question: "What is school for?"

Godin imagines a different set of goals and start a discussion about how we can reach them. One thing is certain: if we keep doing what we've been doing, we're going to keep getting what we've been getting. Our kids are too important to sacrifice to the status quo.

Get Seth Godin's "Stop Stealing Dreams" 30,000 word manifesto [button url="" target="_self" style="red" position="left"]DOWNLOAD[/button]

(via Garr Reynolds at )


Peter Durand is an artist, educator & visual facilitator based in Houston, Texas.

He is the founder of Alphachimp LLC, a visual facilitation company that helps clients understand and communicate complex systems visually. He is a leader in graphic facilitation and a professor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.

Susan Cain on The Power of Quiet | RSA Shorts


The world is full of noise and those that are the loudest are the ones we tend to follow but what about the quiet ones? Author Susan Cain shines a spotlight on introverts and reveals how over time our society has come to look to extroverts as leaders. Not suggesting that one is better than the other, Susan argues that the world needs an equal space between introverts and extroverts; that an innovative, creative world wouldn't be the same without the two coming together.

Speaker: Susan Cain | Artist: Molly Crabapple | Director: Jim Batt | Production Coordinator: Kim Boekbinder



Peter Durand is an artist, educator & visual facilitator based in Houston, Texas.

He is the founder of Alphachimp LLC, a visual facilitation company that helps clients understand and communicate complex systems visually. He is a leader in graphic facilitation and a professor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.

Where do ideas come from?

Saul Bass (May 8, 1920 – April 25, 1996), American graphic designer and filmmaker


Peter Durand is an artist, educator & visual facilitator based in Houston, Texas.

He is the founder of Alphachimp LLC, a visual facilitation company that helps clients understand and communicate complex systems visually. He is a leader in graphic facilitation and a professor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.

Yves Béhar : Why Designers Should Be In Love With The Process


Good design accelerates good ideas.

Yves Béhar (@yvesbehar) says: "If  you want to prove that an idea has merit, don't write a book about it. Test it."

In this presentation at the 99% Conference, shares the seven principles that define his unique approach to the design process.

Béhar is the founder of fuseproject, a San Francisco-based design agency contributing to areas that include technology, furniture, sports, lifestyle, and fashion.

His heros include true design thinkers—Saul Bass, George Nelson and Charles Eames—who were such good thinkers, because they were also "makers".

Following in the footsteps of Charles Eames, that most revered of Herman Miller designers whot defined the modern office and home, Béhar pursued the mission of dematerializing the task chair, to follow Eames principle of producing "the best to the most for the least".

Design is not about making solutions, but about how you approach life.

Béhar shares the process behind the resulting SAYL chair collection. He knows that the tenets of sustainable design result in a compelling business proposition: 50-60% less material = less carbon footprint = less cost!

Redesigning the typical office task chair involves lots of sketching, prototypes, failures, studies, quick mock-ups out of paper, foam, plastic.

Béhar is also creative with his business models. Fifty percent of his firm's projects result in a business partnership with their clients. As stakeholders, these designers are no longer short-term hires, burning and billing hours, instead they are invested in every aspect of the design as a functioning part of the value proposition.

Most recent collections, fuseproject pursues with a new 21st century companies "cause partner" and non-profits, as with PACT, a sustainable underwear company.




Peter Durand is an artist, educator & visual facilitator based in Houston, Texas.

He is the founder of Alphachimp LLC, a visual facilitation company that helps clients understand and communicate complex systems visually. He is a leader in graphic facilitation and a professor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.

Bigger Picture at TEDx Coppenhagen 2012


Ole Qvist-Sørensen is a strategy consultant and graphic facilitator for Bigger Picture in Denmark. His message is so clear and so accessible to all audiences.

[leadplayer_vid id="50B54A1217EAE"]

In Ole's words...

We must draw more together: At home, in classrooms and in meeting rooms. Specifically in situations where we are face to face, confronted with complex issues, where no-one holds the single answer and where solutions with everybody’s engagement and contribution is needed in order for change and movement to happen.

We all know that a picture is worth a 1000 words. Pictures can convey complex information in a way which is natural for our brains to grasp.

Visual thinking is a gift we all have, and visual practice – drawing/sketching – is an easy and simple way to show and involve others in understanding – or seeing – what we mean.

Drawing together can be seen as a collective meaning-making process enabling a class, group or team to understand and see what it means.

The process of drawing is a way to handle complex issues together. It is a skill that we – in this digital age – must not forget that we have. And one which we must “upgrade” to meet the new realities of the world we live in.

A large white canvas, a large piece of paper or a whiteboard can be seen as an “offline” collaborative platform where principles from the online world’s ability to handle complexity can be applied. Drawing together involves a new set of leadership skills.

It is easy to learn. It is intuitive to us. It starts with pen, paper and curiosity.


Peter Durand is an artist, educator & visual facilitator based in Houston, Texas.

He is the founder of Alphachimp LLC, a visual facilitation company that helps clients understand and communicate complex systems visually. He is a leader in graphic facilitation and a professor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.

Why Give a Damn?


"Technology is the vehicle by which all human capability is magnified. It is morally neutral, but its creators are not."

We are big fans of the writers and doers over at The Unreasonable Institute, which count Tony Chi as one of their contributors. The quote above is from a speech tony gave a few years ago on his last day at Yahoo.

Like Tony's grandfather, mine has seen the impact of electricity, radio, cars, world wars, collapsing empires, economic collapses, the nuclear age and now the information age. Through it all, those new technologies were promoted as the cure to isolation, pestilence, disease, war and ignorance.

With each new technological power or capability comes the very messy and very human process of trying to figure out what to do next.

This is why the world needs people who cultivate a handful of useful habits:

1. Acknowledge that complex systems exist and that they are worthy of investigation;

2. Cultivate an awareness that those systems are inter-related and constantly influence each other in unpredictable ways;

3. Attempt to understand or (better yet) visualize emerging patterns;

4. Tell stories that stick to people's brains and motivate heartfelt action;

5. Design like they give a damn about what happens next!

~ Peter Durand | Alphachimp University


Peter Durand is an artist, educator & visual facilitator based in Houston, Texas.

He is the founder of Alphachimp LLC, a visual facilitation company that helps clients understand and communicate complex systems visually. He is a leader in graphic facilitation and a professor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.

Studio 360: So You Think You're Creative?

Host of NPR's Studio 360, Kurt Anderson, talks with professor and author Gary Marcus (Guitar Zero) about what science tells us about creativity. A researcher shoves jazz musicians into an fMRI machines and has them improvise; an intrepid reporter gets her creativity tested and scored; and a little girl introduces us to her imaginary friends (all of them).

Original broadcast: Friday, November 23, 2012 | LINK to program page


Peter Durand is an artist, educator & visual facilitator based in Houston, Texas.

He is the founder of Alphachimp LLC, a visual facilitation company that helps clients understand and communicate complex systems visually. He is a leader in graphic facilitation and a professor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.

Brain Power: From Neurons to Networks


What is technology doing to our brains? Directed by @tiffanyshlain this 10 min. film asks how is technology reshaping our brains and how similar is the World Wide Web to the brain of a child?

[leadplayer_vid id="50ABFD015914E"]

See the TEDBook that accompanies this film at:


Peter Durand is an artist, educator & visual facilitator based in Houston, Texas.

He is the founder of Alphachimp LLC, a visual facilitation company that helps clients understand and communicate complex systems visually. He is a leader in graphic facilitation and a professor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.

Electric Scribe (Part 10): Wrap Up


In this online video, Diane wraps up the Electric Scribe series with a brief review of the Brushes iPad app.



Peter Durand is an artist, educator & visual facilitator based in Houston, Texas.

He is the founder of Alphachimp LLC, a visual facilitation company that helps clients understand and communicate complex systems visually. He is a leader in graphic facilitation and a professor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.

Electric Scribe (Part 9): Putting it all Together


In this online video, Diane brings all of SketchBook Pro's features together.



Peter Durand is an artist, educator & visual facilitator based in Houston, Texas.

He is the founder of Alphachimp LLC, a visual facilitation company that helps clients understand and communicate complex systems visually. He is a leader in graphic facilitation and a professor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.

Electric Scribe (Part 8): Layers


In this online video, Diane takes you through using SketchBook Pro's layers.



Peter Durand is an artist, educator & visual facilitator based in Houston, Texas.

He is the founder of Alphachimp LLC, a visual facilitation company that helps clients understand and communicate complex systems visually. He is a leader in graphic facilitation and a professor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.

Electric Scribe (Part 7): Color & Text


In this online video, Diane takes you through SketchBook Pro's color and text options.



Peter Durand is an artist, educator & visual facilitator based in Houston, Texas.

He is the founder of Alphachimp LLC, a visual facilitation company that helps clients understand and communicate complex systems visually. He is a leader in graphic facilitation and a professor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.

Rock the Monkey Webinar - The Myth of Perception


How to Lead Teams Who Don't Know They Are Dreaming

DATE: Friday November 2nd, 2012

DESCRIPTION: Recent neuroscience has revealed that dreaming is our permanent, natural state. Surprisingly, this “awake dreaming state” is what we are doing when we go through all of the daily actions of work, love, war and shopping.

So, what are dreams? What is perception? Who conjures up all the thoughts in your head? How is the action of “brainstorming” and “strategic planning” really just an optimistic act of public dreaming? Sound too hippy-dippy, airy-fairy? It’s not.

As facilitators, coaches, managers and leaders, we are mashing up our “awake dreaming” process with other humans’ hallucinations... with real-world consequences misunderstandings, gaps in logic, emotional sabotage, intellectual blind spots and more.

Join Peter Durand — and colleagues around the world — for a discussion on faulty perceptions, group facilitation and how best to use sensory input in order to turn dreams into decisions.

SLIDES via Slideshare


Peter Durand is an artist, educator & visual facilitator based in Houston, Texas.

He is the founder of Alphachimp LLC, a visual facilitation company that helps clients understand and communicate complex systems visually. He is a leader in graphic facilitation and a professor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.