Stop Stealing Dreams: Seth Godin on Education


"Are we asking our kids how to connect the dots...or collect the dots?"

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Author Seth Godin speaks at TEDxYouth@BFS at the awesome Brooklyn Free School!

We need to ask the question: "What is school for?"

Godin imagines a different set of goals and start a discussion about how we can reach them. One thing is certain: if we keep doing what we've been doing, we're going to keep getting what we've been getting. Our kids are too important to sacrifice to the status quo.

Get Seth Godin's "Stop Stealing Dreams" 30,000 word manifesto [button url="" target="_self" style="red" position="left"]DOWNLOAD[/button]

(via Garr Reynolds at )


Peter Durand is an artist, educator & visual facilitator based in Houston, Texas.

He is the founder of Alphachimp LLC, a visual facilitation company that helps clients understand and communicate complex systems visually. He is a leader in graphic facilitation and a professor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.