Bigger Picture at TEDx Coppenhagen 2012
/Ole Qvist-Sørensen is a strategy consultant and graphic facilitator for Bigger Picture in Denmark. His message is so clear and so accessible to all audiences.
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In Ole's words...
We must draw more together: At home, in classrooms and in meeting rooms. Specifically in situations where we are face to face, confronted with complex issues, where no-one holds the single answer and where solutions with everybody’s engagement and contribution is needed in order for change and movement to happen.
We all know that a picture is worth a 1000 words. Pictures can convey complex information in a way which is natural for our brains to grasp.
Visual thinking is a gift we all have, and visual practice – drawing/sketching – is an easy and simple way to show and involve others in understanding – or seeing – what we mean.
Drawing together can be seen as a collective meaning-making process enabling a class, group or team to understand and see what it means.
The process of drawing is a way to handle complex issues together. It is a skill that we – in this digital age – must not forget that we have. And one which we must “upgrade” to meet the new realities of the world we live in.
A large white canvas, a large piece of paper or a whiteboard can be seen as an “offline” collaborative platform where principles from the online world’s ability to handle complexity can be applied. Drawing together involves a new set of leadership skills.
It is easy to learn. It is intuitive to us. It starts with pen, paper and curiosity.