2010 PopTech Social Innovation Fellows
/Along with a cadre of stellar design professionals, educators, communication gurus, and experts in social enterprise, Peter Durand of Alphachimp served as faculty and scribe for this amazing weeklong program.
Each year, PopTech selects 10-20 high potential change agents from around the world who are working on highly disruptive innovations in areas.
2010 SI Fellows & Faculty at Pointe Lookout in Maine
The PopTech Social Innovation Fellows Class of 2010 includes the best and brightest minds working the fringes of material science, conflict resolution, citizen science, global health delivery, mobile technology, science education, rights advocacy, recycling, micro-finance & micro-insurance, and micro-hydro and solar energy for the rural poor.
For more of Peter's personal reflections on the content and experience, read his posts on Design Thinking, Structure, Communications, and the Value Chain in Social Innovation
Posts by other Fellows and Faculty:
Social/Tech Entrepreneurs' Identity Crisis
Brian Elliott | 2010 SI FellowFounder, Friend Factor
Social Entrepreneurs' Tricky Issues of Sustainability and Scale
Nina Dudnik | 2010 SI Fellow | CEO, Seedling Labs
Inspiring Innovations
Erik Hersman | Senior Fellow | co-founder, Ushahidi