Gen X Daddy
All my friends are there, man, living life as a Gen X Daddy! Finally, some press.
Some great "daddyblogs" out there for those of us juggling family, work and late-night obsession with crafting on-line dispatches.
The Weblog for New Dads
Being Daddy
tagline: "Like being Mommy. Only hairier."
"Though I refer to it in public as 'a potty,' I still come off looking very masculine.
Appearantly we are all foregoing big careers and fancy vacation homes in lieu of paternity leave.
All I know is that when I am working from home, the freedom to break for a game of peek-a-boo with my 11-month-old daughter is bliss. On the other hand, working on the road is even more of a drag!
Meet a group of like-minded fathers who call themselves ''Dads in the Dark'' meet monthly at Conley's in Watertown after their kids are safely tucked in for the night:
Keep on keeping on, brothers! And, have a beer for me.
Luxury vacations, fast-track careers, and bigger houses used to be a priority for family men, but no longer. Today's young fathers are taking paternity leaves, rejecting overtime, and rushing home after work to do all the things many of their own fathers didn't...
Even at a time when men are working as hard as ever, much has been made of the emergence of the new nurturing father. Around the time that Dustin Hoffman asked in the 1979 movie Kramer vs. Kramer, "What law is it that says a woman is a better parent simply by virtue of her sex?" sociologists were hailing a new era. Study after study shows that today's men refuse to be stick figures in their children's lives. They recoil at the thought of acting like Distant Dad. When they see celebrities like Eminem and Will Smith embrace their children or Super Bowl winners cradle their babies, they see glamorous reflections of themselves.
No generation is more influenced by this vision of fatherhood than today's men between 26 and 40 - commonly called Generation X - and no male age group has been more scrutinized for its paternal behaviors. As research targets, men of this generation have been asked to keep daily diaries of time spent at work and home, to distinguish between reading bedtime stories (child care) and washing dishes (housework), and to know that being a "domestic manager" is not the same as being a "compliant helper."
(via Daddytypes)