Too Badass Skrybes

At least according to the legend in our own minds...

In this frantic video, watch graphic facilitators Jim Nuttle and Peter Durand of Alphachimp Studio Inc. create several large-scale images during a huge event (with disco lighting!) on creativity.

This video shows the same old time-lapse scribing concept, however we have updated the musical landscape with a mash-up by Girl Talk.

No music better conveys the mystery of two middle-aged white guys who draw cartoons for a living better than 60s psychodelia cross-polinated with gangsta hip hop!

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The History of Graphic Facilitation (ANIMATED LAYERED PAINTING)

The challenge of information design started on the cave wall. Somewhere along the line, experienced elders and shamans pulled the talented but surly artistic clansman aside and said: 

"Listen. I know you don't like spear-chucking. So, can you draw a big Mastodon on the wall? We've got to teach the rest of these slacker kids how to hunt without getting killed."

Interested in commissioning a time-lapse video for your story? 
Tell us about your project.

The History of Graphic Facilitation (TIME LAPSE SCRIBING)

As corny as it sounds, graphic facilitation could be called the world's second oldest profession: telling stories and making pictures. Once early humans started standing up straighter, making cooler tools, and collaborating to go on more dangerous journeys, they have struggled with how to communicate strategy to the tribe. So the challenge of information design started on the cave wall...

Interested in commissioning a time-lapse video for your story? 
Tell us about your project.

Social Mapping for Social Change

Chicago, May 2010 | PopTech organizers  brought together three speakers (and a smart audience in this city of news aggregators and social good organizations) for a special salon event on the current and future impact of social mapping tools.

Interested in using graphic facilitation to capture your story? 
Tell us about your project.