What is a Flame?
/DESCRIPTION: "As a curious 11-year-old, Alan Alda asked his teacher, “What is a flame?” She replied: “It’s oxidation.”
Alda went on to win fame as an actor and writer, became an advocate for clear communication of science, and helped found the Center for Communicating Science at Stony Brook University. He never stopped being curious, and he never forgot how disappointing that non-answer answer was."
For this challenge, Alda tasked scientists with explaining flame. Entries will be judged by a panel of eleven-year-old judges. This compelling opportunity, which puts the power of determining what's effective in education into the hands of students themselves, really moved Alphachimp, and we accepted the invitation from Jeanne Garbarino and Deborah Berebichez of The Fabulab to collaborate on another fun video! (Check out our first collaboration with Jeanne Gabarino: Cholesterol, Friend Before Foe: http://vimeo.com/28475498)
ZanaAfrica: Empowering Girls with iPads
/CLIENT: ZanaAfrica
ART & DIRECTION: Diane Durand
EDITOR: Betsy Dodd
PRODUCER: Patricia Fonner
DESCRIPTION: We are very excited to share a video from our 2012 collaboration with ZanaAfrica, a Kenyan non-profit founded founded by 2011 PopTech Social Innovation Fellow Megan Mukuria.
ZanaAfrica empowers Kenyan girls to break cycles of poverty through simple, sustainable solutions. They are developing eco-friendly sanitary pads to provide to young women in Kenya, and they provide health education so that girls can stay in school with confidence.
ADP for Dealer
/Payroll Plus is ADP Dealer Services next generation web based payroll solution that is designed to get dealers out of payroll processing and back to the frontline of running their auto business.
What is Pop!Tech: A Mash-Up with Reggie Watts
/A mash-up of iPad art and Reggie Watts from the PopTech Mixed Tape.
Open Research
/Open research is research conducted in the spirit of free and open source software.
Much like open source schemes that are built around a source code that is made public, the central theme of open research is to make clear accounts of the methodology freely available via the internet, along with any data or results extracted or derived from them. This permits a massively distributed collaboration, and one in which anyone may participate at any level of the project.
2 Cloud Leaders: Verizon & Terremark
/"The Cloud" is a fundamentality new delivery model in information technology. But if you look back in history, there have been many fundamental shifts in infrastructure that drives business in the marketplace. An analogous change in the early 20th century was the utility grid.
This time-lapse scribing video tells the story of the coming together of two leaders in the of virtual data management and mobile communications.
Produced by Verizon
Directed by John Love
Script Management by Diane Durand
Art by Jim Nuttle & Peter Durand
Growing Apart, Growing Together
/Have you ever thought about how your food is produced? How connected do you feel?
In the early days of human history everyone had to help find and prepare food for the community. People were intimately connected to the origins of their food. Today on the one hand consumers have grown apart from the origins of food production and they do not have the time to keep up on this topic. On the other hand the farmers who produce the food face many challenges. In this RSA Animate style time-lapse video, our client asks viewers to examine what they know about their food and what it takes to produce it.
Illustration: Jim Nuttle
Narration: Brian Ufen
Editing: Scott Mumford
Director: Diane Durand
Produced on in Nashville location by Alphachimp Studio Inc.
Cholesterol: Friend before Foe
/This short animated painting created for Scientific American tells the other half of the story about the natural chemical that the media loves to hate.
Integrated Marketing—Think Hockey, Not Football: A Monitor Group Animated Video
/DESCRIPTION: In this animated video, Monitor partner Steven Goldbach explains that integrated marketing teams should be modeled more like hockey teams than football teams—they should be composed of quick-thinking and fast-acting team members instead of specialized, inflexible individual players, which will allow them to more efficiently meet the demands of today's rapidly changing marketing landscape.
DETAILS: Monitor Group commissioned us to produce this time-lapse video in the "RSA Animate" style. We worked with the Monitor team to develop the storyboard, record, edit and produce this piece in just a few days.
Animated Infographic for Management Signals
/We created this animated piece for Nashville-based Management Signals, to demonstrate how their data analytics service works to vastly improve business intelligence.
Too Badass Skrybes
/At least according to the legend in our own minds...
In this frantic video, watch graphic facilitators Jim Nuttle and Peter Durand of Alphachimp Studio Inc. create several large-scale images during a huge event (with disco lighting!) on creativity.
This video shows the same old time-lapse scribing concept, however we have updated the musical landscape with a mash-up by Girl Talk.
No music better conveys the mystery of two middle-aged white guys who draw cartoons for a living better than 60s psychodelia cross-polinated with gangsta hip hop!
The History of Graphic Facilitation (ANIMATED LAYERED PAINTING)
/The challenge of information design started on the cave wall. Somewhere along the line, experienced elders and shamans pulled the talented but surly artistic clansman aside and said:
"Listen. I know you don't like spear-chucking. So, can you draw a big Mastodon on the wall? We've got to teach the rest of these slacker kids how to hunt without getting killed."
Interested in commissioning a time-lapse video for your story?
Tell us about your project.
The History of Graphic Facilitation (TIME LAPSE SCRIBING)
/As corny as it sounds, graphic facilitation could be called the world's second oldest profession: telling stories and making pictures. Once early humans started standing up straighter, making cooler tools, and collaborating to go on more dangerous journeys, they have struggled with how to communicate strategy to the tribe. So the challenge of information design started on the cave wall...
Interested in commissioning a time-lapse video for your story?
Tell us about your project.
The Electric Scribe
/Alphachimp Studio collaborated with a team of adventuresome creative partners to pull off live, electric scribing -- plus a trippy light show -- for 300 guests. This behind-the-scenes look at the show is set to wicked peppy music by Kevin O'Donnell's Quality Six.
Interested in commissioning a time-lapse video for your story?
Tell us about your project.
Social Mapping for Social Change
/Chicago, May 2010 | PopTech organizers brought together three speakers (and a smart audience in this city of news aggregators and social good organizations) for a special salon event on the current and future impact of social mapping tools.
Interested in using graphic facilitation to capture your story?
Tell us about your project.